The Catalogue

The family and friends of Kent Bellows decided that a major exhibition of his works would be incomplete without the publication of an accompanying catalogue. To accomplish this goal we have relied on the generosity of many of Kent's friends and admirers. All of these are listed in the catalogue. However, we would like to make special mention of Richard Holland and the Hitchcock Foundation, both of whom provided cornerstone gifts permitting us to produce a high quality volume at a price that even a student artist could afford.

The catalogue contains full-page reproductions of every work of art in the exhibition. There is also an essay by the curator of the exhibition, Molly S. Hutton, Ph.D.  In a Foreword, Dr. Richard Davidson, one of the great collectors of American realist art, discusses his interactions with Kent and his art.  A timeline of Kent's life and a full bibliography are included. 

Emspace Group and Omaha Print were responsible for the beautiful design and expert production of this book.  Stonehouse Publishing has supplied photography, leadership, support and drive.  Without the impetus of Stonehouse Publishing, there would be no website or catalogue or exhibition.


Molly S. Hutton, Ph.D.

Molly S. Hutton is an independent curator living in Buffalo, New York. An expert on twentieth-century and contemporary American realism, Hutton holds a Ph.D. in American art from Stanford University. She is a former curator of the Harry W. and Mary Margaret Anderson Collection in the San Francisco Bay Area and director of the Schmucker Art Gallery at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania.