Cottonwood L-19 |
Stream with Logs and Duckweed L-24 |
Tree Roots L-028 |
Untitled L-37 |
William Rush (after T. Eakins) M-019 |
Another Night, Shoot (Lust Sudy No. 2) M-003 |
Ice Cream Headache (Lust Study No. 1) M-002 |
North by Northwest M-018 |
Figure Studies
Study for Margaret N-026 |
November, Composition with Roses N-016 |
Susan in the Mahler Studio N-030 |
Megan Twice N-014 |
Natural Landscapes
Forest Study II NL-006 |
Sarah’s Pinwheel in the Snow NL-015 |
Winterkill No. 1 NL-008 |
Winterkill No. 2 NL-013 |
Still Life
Maplewood Motors SL-009 |
Lettuce Head SL-005 |
Apocalyptic Still Life with Flying White House (Nuclear Winter) SL-008 |
Dirty Dishes SL-002 |
Dirty Dishes, II SL-007 |
Study for “Apocalyptic Still Life” SL-001 |
Self Portrait
Untitled (Background for Target) XXX01 |
Untitled (Seascape Background for “Gluttony”) XXX03 |